Sunday, March 1, 2009

Amelia in Action

For her biggest fans...Amelia can now be seen on video by clicking these links:

1) Amelia laughing

2) Amelia sticking out tongue

Watch for more from our little star!


gemini_p said...

I am a portuguese expat in the US, living in California for the last 7 years. I am not even sure how I found your blog, but it has been very amusing to read your experiences in Portugal and relate to the reverse I have experienced here (e.g. the size of a yogurt container!). Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I have, for the last few months, followed your blog. Congratulations on Amelia, she's very cute. We have American twin sons!

Katrin said...

I am so happy we have a fan! Welcome, hope we have been able to provide some amusement for you even though we seem to have switched from adventures in Portugal to adventures in parenting...I imagine you have many more stories to tell with twin boys.