Monday, October 13, 2008

Baby's First Winery Tour

So you can't live in Portugal without doing a tour of a Port Winery. We took advantage of a visit from Amelia's Grandpa Jack to take her first daytrip up to Porto. She spent most of the day alternately napping and taking in the city with big wide eyes, and was so well behaved that it made this parenting thing look easy. Though we are a bit slower getting out of the house these days, and of course I feel like I accomplish a lot when I get one or two things crossed off my t0-do list for the day.

We don't exactly have a routine yet, though I think we are slowly moving in that direction. In general, Amelia wakes up in the morning and is in a great mood after she eats and gets changed. She hangs out and just likes to check things out an take in the world for a while. She is starting to smile at us more, and loves to look at faces and finds mirrors and bright objects very fascinating. She definitely doesn't like to sit still. When she is awake and not eating I find myself doing a lot of walking. Either with her in my arms, or in the sling, the baby bjorn, the stroller, or her new swing, she likes to be on the move, and the same thing she loved yesterday may elicit loud complaints today. Last night she slept from midnight to 5am, and went back to sleep for about 3 more hours after that, which was a first, and some nights she is up every 2 hours all night long, usually it is somewhere in between. Here is a photo we finally took of all three of us, and some more photos from Amelia's first month can be found here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow Katrin! Congratulations to you both! So exciting to see photos of Amelia and Portugal! I'm sure she will be quite the world traveler!
:-) sara